Thursday, October 8, 2009

Got Another Response

I got a response from another agent that I queried recently. These 10 hour shifts at work really put a cramp in my email checking...her email came in at 10:33 this morning and I just got it (after getting home and working on my 2nd job for an hour). It's 1:01 AM now.

Anyway! The agent replied with a recommendation that I contact a different agent at another agency. I've read this this is a really good type of email to receive, you know, agent thinks it sounds promising but not quite her thing, how about you drop my friend XXX a line.

So I'm thrilled. And I've emailed the agent she recommended, stating twice (once in the subject line and once in the body) that so and so from XXX agency said I should write to you because you "know the category."

Now, even though I have a pounding headache and I'm pretty sure I have a fever (we'll find out soon enough, when I finally have time to take my temp), I will still sleep pretty good.


  1. That's great, and very encouraging. Good for you!

  2. Thank you Travener! I feel like I've been incredibly lucky to get the partial requests that I have gotten. That's one more reason why I find the Stephenie Meyer story so absurdly incredible. Can you imagine beginning your 130,000 word, 500 page manuscript on April 1st, 2009 and having it finished, agented, and sold to a publisher by October 1st, 2009? Ridiculous. Lucky lucky lady.

  3. So jealous. Good luck. That is super exciting!

  4. Thanks so much Tina Lynn! I'm finding it hard to concentrate on writing my next WIP, I'm spending so much time obsessing over agents and trying to read between the lines of the messages I'm getting from them! I've read a lot of posts from people who got *thisclose* so I'm trying not to get too excited. But it's hard.... :)
